AI for Energy

Detecting the Undetectable: Remote Sensing AI’s Role in Energy Evolution

May 9, 2024, 10:00 - 
May 9, 2024, 10:40

This session will start with a high-level introduction to the latest in remote sensing and AI for the energy sector, discussing the core technologies and their current/future applications, including O&G activity detection, emission detection and carbon reduction. This sets the stage for a rich panel discussion with industry leaders. Panelists will delve into remote sensing's transformative impact and the next level of transparency soon to come.

Sam Acheson

COO, Teren

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Jiarao Huang

Data Science Manager, Enverus

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Shankar Annamalai

SVP Permian Geo Market & Emmissions Technology, ChampionX

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Stanley Opara

Solutions Architect, GHGSat

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