Upcoming Webinar

Unlocking OFS Opportunities and Navigating Challenges: Northern Latin Americas Offshore

This webinar will start in

Thursday, November 9, 2023
9:00 AM | Central Time

Webinar details

This webinar was originally recorded on November 9th 2023.
Join Enverus for a comprehensive analysis on the offshore opportunities and challenges facing Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela, Trinidad & Tobago, Guyana and Suriname.
These six nations are at the epicenter of offshore activity, with nearly 60 drilling projects on the horizon in the next two years, 46 mobile offshore rigs currently in operation, two dozen field development ventures at various stages of advancement and 28 blocks available in bid rounds. It’s an undeniable hotspot for OFS firms, and the possibilities are boundless.



Patrick Rutty

Director, Enverus Global Intelligence

Patrick is Director – Global Intelligence at Enverus, where he previously held positions in Technical Sales, Consulting, and Product Management. Before joining Enverus, he spent 26 years working with large and small E&P companies as a member of exploration teams focused on basins in North America, Saudi Arabia and central Europe, in roles from prospect generation and exploration management to business development and executive leadership. Patrick holds an A.B. in Earth Sciences from Dartmouth College and an M.S. in Exploration and Development Geophysics from Stanford University.


Arthur Keep

Regional Manager North America at Enverus

Regional Manager, Enverus: Arthur is a Regional Manager covering Latin America at Enverus, having been a member of the Global Scout Team specializing in the Upstream E&P sector of Latin America since 2018. Before joining Enverus. He worked as an exploration and mining geologist in Australia and as an engineering geologist in the UK. Arthur holds an MSc in Petroleum Geology from Royal Holloway, University of London and an MGeol in Geology from the University of Leicester.

Tom Darin Liksey

Tom Liskey

Sr Regional Manager Latin America at Enverus

Tom is the Senior Regional Manager for NLA, FNA and CAM in the Americas. He has spent over two decades living and working in Latin America.

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