SSO Integration Documentation: Getting Started

To begin, we’ll need the IT Point of Contact for the customer. Once we have that information, we’ll promptly reach out via email to gather necessary details and set expectations for the process.

Single Sign-On Login Method

SAML is our preference, but we do support other types as well.

Key Details and Questions

To kick off the process, we need some essential information. Please provide the following details:

  • Email Domain for User Logins:
    • The email domain used by your users when logging in (e.g., This information helps us determine the appropriate Identity Provider (IdP) flow.
  • Sign-In URL for the IdP:
    • The URL where users will authenticate with the IdP (e.g., Okta, Azure AD, etc.).
    • Example:
  • Sign-Out URL for the IdP:
    • The URL users should be redirected to after signing out.
    • Typically, this is the same as the sign-in URL.
    • Example:
  • User ID Attribute:
    • The attribute that uniquely identifies users. Commonly, this is the nameidentifier claim.
    • Example:
  • Minimum Set of Assertions Required on the Enverus Side:
    • We recommend including the following assertions in SAML responses:
    • Email
    • First name
    • Given name
    • Name identifier (user’s unique identifier)
  • Metadata.xml File:
    • We’ll need the metadata.xml file from your IdP. This file contains essential information, including the X509 Signing Certificate.
    • Please share this file with us securely.

Implementation Process

Here’s how the SSO integration process typically unfolds:

  • Gather Information:
    • We’ll collect the necessary details from you (as outlined above).
    • Feel free to reach out if you have any questions during this phase.
  • Setup and Configuration:
    • Once we have the required information, we’ll begin setting up the SSO integration.
    • Our team will configure the necessary components on our end.
  • Metadata Exchange:
    • We’ll send you the metadata.xml file generated from our side.
    • Please review it and ensure everything aligns with your requirements.
  • Test and Validation:
    • We’ll schedule a call or meeting to perform a test.
    • During this test, we’ll verify that the SSO flow works seamlessly.
  • Go Live!:
    • Once both sides are ready, we’ll enable the SSO integration.
    • Users will enjoy a smoother login experience.

Questions or Concerns?

If you have any questions, concerns, or need further clarification, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to assist you every step of the way.

Thank you for partnering with us on this exciting project!

Best regards,

Enverus Team.

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