Enverus Intelligence® Podcast

This is the show where we discuss the themes emerging from our research on the energy industry. Our goal is to make you more informed and more confident in your capital allocation decisions. Join our Enverus Intelligence® analysts as they deliver key themes on emerging and important topics in energy through honest conversations with the passionate personalities behind the mountains of research, publications, articles and scout reports delivered to Enverus Intelligence® customers daily. Join our team behind the scenes every few weeks as they tackle the most important questions in energy.

Enverus Intelligence® Research, Inc., a subsidiary of Enverus, provides the Enverus Intelligence® | Research (EIR) products. See additional disclosures.

Carbon Capture and Storage | CCUS Around the World | Regulation and Policy
In this episode, Graham Bain with “Innovation Underground” welcomes Dr. Rachael Moore, founder and managing director at CarbStrat, a consultancy specializing in carbon management and industrial decarbonization. Together, Graham and Rachael dive into the difference in regulatory frameworks across Europe and the U.S. and the advantages and challenges for each. This episode was recorded on September 18th, 2024.
Carbon Capture and Storage | Gulf Coast CCUS | Injection and Storage Insights
In this episode, Graham Bain with “Innovation Underground” welcomes Dr. Susan Hovorka, principal investigator at the Gulf Coast Carbon Center (GCCC) of the Jackson School of Geosciences at the University of Texas. Together, Graham and Susan dive into the ways the Gulf Coast is strategically positioned to capitalize on the advancement in carbon capture. This episode was recorded on August 21st, 2024.
Carbon Capture and Storage | CCUS in North Dakota | Class VI Primacy and Lessons Learned
In this episode, Graham Bain with “Innovation Underground” welcomes Amanda Livers-Douglas, assistant director for Integrated Subsurface Projects at the Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC), as they discuss CCUS in the first state to achieve Class VI Primacy, North Dakota. This episode was recorded on July 18th, 2024. 
Carbon Capture and Storage |  Advancing Carbon Capture in Alberta | Entropy’s Innovation, Supportive Policy and Carbon Markets
In this episode, Graham Bain with “Innovation Underground” welcomes Erik Petursson, VP of Policy & Carbon Markets at Entropy Inc. They discuss the challenges and opportunities for advancing carbon capture in Alberta. This episode was recorded on June 19th, 2024.
Carbon Capture and Storage | Investors React to Election and Earnings
Host Gibson Scott is joined by Senior Analysts on the Enverus Intelligence Research team, Drew Depoe and Michael Berger, to discuss capital market reactions to 3Q24 earnings releases and the recent US presidential election.
Carbon Capture and Storage | Midstream Opportunities and Challenges

In this episode, Graham Bain with “Innovation Underground” welcomes Scott Goldberg, vice president of Enlink Carbon Solutions, as they discuss midstream-specific CCUS opportunities and challenges, including carbon transportation, the Gulf Coast CCUS landscape, skillsets necessary to execute CCUS projects, regulatory environments, and much more. This episode was recorded on February 29th, 2024.

Carbon Capture and Storage | Strengthening the CCUS Foothold Through M&A
In this episode of “Innovation Underground,” Graham Bain welcomes back Jon Grimmer II, P.E., president of Verde CO2, and Tommy Najar, vice president of Corrosion Resistant Alloys, as they discuss recent M&A activity in the CCUS space and the direction these deals are taking in the industry. This episode was recorded on December 12th, 2023.
Carbon Capture and Storage | Potential & Challenges to Executing CCUS at Scale

Introducing the “Innovation Underground” series to this podcast, Graham Bain welcomes Jon Grimmer II, P.E., president of Verde CO2, and Tommy Najar, vice president of Corrosion Resistant Alloys. Join them as they discuss the ideal CCUS project and the biggest challenges facing the industry.

Energy Market Dynamics | Key Themes from EVOLVE 2024

In this episode of the Enverus Intelligence Podcast, head of Intelligence Gibson Scott threads together sound bites from dozens of presentations at the recent Enverus EVOLVE conference to distill key themes for companies operating, transporting or investing in energy assets.

Supply, Demand and Pricing | Oil Markets in 2023
Hosts Ian Nieboer and Bill Farren-Price talk to Al Salazar, head of oil forecasting at Enverus Intelligence Research, about key issues that will affect global oil supply, demand and prices. In particular, Salazar explains how China’s changing demographics will alter oil demand growth in the world’s second-largest economy over the next decade.
Renewables and Power | Powering Up the Power Markets
Morgan Kwan and Ian Nieboer host Adam Jordan from the Enverus’ Power & Renewables team. Passionate about power, Adam delivers a thought-provoking conversation on power and renewables – specifically how U.S. state and federal regulators are managing the integration of renewable technologies just as power demand comes surging back.
Energy Market Dynamics | OFS Price Inflation Going, Going Gone?
Morgan Kwan and Bill Farren-Price host Mark Chapman and Jonathan Godwin from Enverus Intelligence Research’s oilfield services team. Mark and Jon dive into what’s causing the numerous shortages in the supply industry, cost inflation and what the path forward might look like.
Global Conflict and Risks | High Energy Prices vs. ESG
Morgan Kwan and Bill Farren-Price host Nick Volkmer from Enverus’ ESG product team for a discussion on high energy prices and what this means for ESG initiatives. Nick leads Enverus’ ESG efforts, helping the energy industry navigate the evolving market landscape that has changed markedly because of the Ukraine war. 
Global Conflict and Risks | Ukraine War
Morgan Kwan and Bill Farren-Price discuss the conflict in Ukraine and the risks it poses to Europe, to Russian oil and gas supply, and to the wider global economy. As a veteran observer of European, Middle East and African energy, Bill offers his thoughts on the potential pathways that the conflict will take and the spillover from Europe’s first inter-state armed conflict since World War II.
Renewables and Power | Green Trends and Looking for Winners, Losers
Bill Farren-Price and Morgan Kwan chat with Ryan Luther, senior vice president on Enverus Intelligence Research’s power & renewables team. The energy transition is gaining investment momentum, some areas more than others; and the hosts chat with Ryan about the impacts of “greenflation” and the investment opportunities in this growing sector.
Supply, Demand and Pricing | Oil Global Exploration
Hosts Bill Farren-Price and Morgan Kwan chat with Patrick Rutty, director of the Enverus Global Intelligence team, about global exploration trends. While the oil price bulls are writing headlines calling for alarm as exploration activity declines, Patrick shares an alternative view on why global oil supply and demand balances might not be tipped yet. 
Carbon Capture and Storage | An Introduction to CCUS, Part 2

In this episode, Morgan Kwan is joined by Enverus’ Director David Howard and special guest Patrick Elliott, COO and co-founder of Carbon Alpha, for a robust discussion on CCUS, its impacts and its opportunities. 

Carbon Capture and Storage | An Introduction to CCUS, Part 1
In this episode, we sit down with Heather Leahey and Graham Bain, analysts on the Enverus Intelligence  Research team, to chat about all things CCUS. What is CCUS and is it the pathway to net zero targets?
Supply, Demand and Pricing | Road To (Oil Demand) Recovery
Nearly 18 months out from the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020, various firms were calling $100 oil on the tails of a swift recovery in oil demand fueled by economies sputtering back to life. But not all recoveries are made equal and certain headwinds should be paid particular attention when it comes to forecasting global oil demand and prices.  Bill and Morgan chat with Al Salazar, Enverus Intelligence Research’s global oil and energy demand analyst about the factors and greatest risks to rebounding oil and energy demand in a post COVID world.
Oil and Gas Trends | Words of Wisdom From an Energy Sector Veteran

Our guest in this episode has nearly seen it all when it comes to the oil and gas industry.  With more than 30 years of experience in the energy sector, Judith Dwarkin was Enverus’ Chief Economist since 2002, focusing on energy market operations and regulation, transportation and policy. Oma and Morgan chat with Judith ahead of her retirement, looking back on her illustrious career in the energy sector and which global trends will have the biggest impact on the world’s energy demands in the next ten years.

Energy Transition | The New Versus Old Energy Economy
In this inaugural episode Morgan and Oma discuss the energy transition, moving from the old energy economy to the new, with Andrew Gillick, Enverus’ sector strategist and voice behind Morning Energy. What does the new energy company look like? Should M&A deals be valued on an ESG accretive/dilutive metrics? Should executives be compensated based on ESG targets? What strategies are working well or what could an E&P do today to position itself well in the new energy economy?

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